Breaking News. David Trummer startet in der nächsten Saison unter der Flagge des YT MOB Teams.
David Trummer im YT MOB Team
Nach einer sensationellen Saison 2019 im kleinen Team Racing Dudes wird David in den nächsten zwei Jahren im YT MOB Team Gas geben.
Zusammen mit dem Spanier Angel Suarez wird er im Weltcup an den Start gehen und um sein erstes Podium fighten, welches er heuer um nur 0,075 Sec in Val di Sole verpasst hatte.
Die Junioren, Óisin O’Callaghan aus Irland und Guy Johnston aus Neuseeland komplettieren das Team und wollen die Junioren-Wertung aufmischen.
Statements der Chefetage und vom Daveboy
“For me this is a re-birth of the team as we head into a new chapter with some really talented riders with untapped potential. The idea of signing Dave was a pretty logical one. He’s a rider who’s shown already that he’s very happy on the YT TUES and has the ability to ride at the same level as the best in the world. As a Top 10 rider from the past season he has that key advantage of season long protection. The two juniors we’ve brought on are the two that Angel and I both agreed were the right choice for us. As first-year juniors we get the chance over two years to really shape the careers of both Óisin and Guy. We’re really fortunate to have a solid roster of co-sponsors who saw this vision for the Mob’s future and believed in it throughout 2019. Both Angel and Dave are proven Top 10 riders who I know haven’t reached their full potential. Together with our new juniors, we’ll be chasing those World Cup podiums as keenly as ever.“
Martin Whiteley, Team Owner
“We are stoked about this new era of the Mob and welcome Óisin and Guy to the YT Family. The search for Young Talent and The Mob World Tour was a great success. We look forward to seeing Óisin and Guy unleash their potential. 2020 is going to be an extremely exciting season with the Juniors heading into their first World Cup season and we are stoked to see David Trummer join Angel on the Elite level. Can we start racing already?! We can’t wait to see them all finally drop into the new season!”
Markus Flossmann, CEO YT Industries
“Looking back on the 2019 season all I can really say is that I am super happy! I reached my goal of a new career best result at the first World Cup in Maribor already and that was just the beginning. The season with Team Racing Dudes gave me a lot of new confidence for the future. Moving to the YT Mob is significant, because after this year I felt like I wanted to join a big team if I have the opportunity and now, I am joining one of the best and most professional teams out there. I also felt really good on the YT TUES this year, so I think it’s a perfect fit. As for my goals in 2020, well, I really would like to finally make it on to a World Cup podium, but I need to take it one step at a time.”
David Trummer, YT Mob Pro Rider 2020
Maribor rocks. Foto (c) Rick Schubert Fort Bill Classic. Foto (c) Rick Schubert EM Podium. Foto (c) UEC Oldschool Track Les Gets. Foto (c) Rick Schubert Andorra Dust . Foto (c) Rick Schubert Andorra Scrub . Foto (c) Rick Schubert Lieblingsstrecke Val di Sole. Foto (c) Rick Schubert Gewöhnung an den Hotseat. Foto (c) Rick Schubert MSA Worlds. Foto (c) Rick Schubert Mach 3 in Snowshoe. Foto (c) Rick Schubert 9er im Overall 2019. Foto (c) Rick Schubert
Saisonhighlights 2019 von Daveboy
- 6. Platz – Weltcup – Val di Sole (Italien) –> Redbull TV (Start: 1h 8min)
- 7. Platz – Weltcup – Vallnord (Andorra) –> Redbull TV (Start: 1h 38min)
- 8. Platz – Weltcup – Lets Gets (Frankreich) –> Redbull TV (Start: 54min 47sec)
- 14. Platz – Weltcup – Fort William (Schottland)
- 15. Platz – Weltcup – Maribor (Slowenien)
- 22. Platz – Weltcup – Snowshoe (USA) –> Redbull TV (Start 1h 10min)
- 17. Platz – WM – Mont Sainte-Anne –> Redbull TV (Start: 3h 1min 45sec)
- 1. Platz – Staatsmeisterschaft – Wurbauer Kogel
- 3. Platz – Europameisterschaft – Pampilhosa (Portugal)
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